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Campus Celebrates Bike Week

April 3rd through April 7th was Bike Week at UMD. The new SustainableUMD Outreach Bike joined DOTS outside STAMP Student Union on April 3rd and the Farmers Market on April 5th to celebrate biking on campus.

At the Kick-Off, students, staff, and faculty members answered a bike safety trivia question to receive a free helmet at the DOTS tent. For instance, did you know that on campus the speed limit for all forms of transportation is 20 miles per hour? 

The Smoothie Bike made an appearance at the Farmers Market. Students pedaled to blend their berry-filled smoothies. At the SustainableUMD Outreach Bike, students pledged to become Green Terps. By registering a bike or scooter on campus, students are one step closer to certifying as a Green Terp and earning their reusable prize. 

Did you miss Bike Week 2023? Learn about sustainable transportation resources at UMD during Bike Safety Month in October.


Interested in making your travels around campus and commute more sustainable? Sign-up for SmartCommute and follow @dots_umd and @SustainableUMD on social media.  

To request the SustainableUMD Outreach Bike at your next sustainability event: fill out this form.