Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
See more information about this goal from the United Nations
Alert — Your Input is Needed:
Many programs at UMD have begun incorporating questions, conversations and linkages to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. "Partnering for the Goals" invites you to help our SustainableUMD network explore opportunities to better share information across UMD divisions, departments, and disciplines in order to advance the University's meaningful involvement in this global initiative.
If you want to learn more about how universities are collectively thinking about their role in the SDGs, click the black button link below.
This resource is under development and we want your help to fill it out! Use the webform below the examples to tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address the SDG locally or globally. The examples on this page are just a broad starting place to help compile meaningful involvement at UMD so that the Office of Sustainability can work with interested stakeholders to explore potential next steps.

UMD Recreation and Wellness
We believe being physically active is a crucial component of success in and out of the classroom, and we are dedicated to creating a culture of wellness where all members of the university community thrive.

University Health Center
The University Health Center is staffed by over 100 diverse college health and wellness professionals who serve a myriad of student, staff and faculty needs.

UMD School of Public Health
The UMD School of Public Health is driven by a passion to break down the barriers that keep individuals, families, communities and populations from attaining optimum health and wellness.
Please tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address this goal locally or globally: