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SDG 4 image

Goal 4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

See more information about this goal from the United Nations


This resource is under development and we want your help to fill it out! Use the webform below the examples to tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address the SDG locally or globally. The examples on this page are just a broad starting place to help compile meaningful involvement at UMD so that the Office of Sustainability can work with interested stakeholders to explore potential next steps.

PGCPS/UMD Improvement Science Collaborative

PGCPS/UMD Improvement Science Collaborative

The PGCPS/UMD Improvement Science Collaborative works to prepare excellent school teachers and leaders, support efforts for school improvement, advance teacher preparation programs and takes a new approach to connecting research to practice.

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Maryland Mentor Corps

Maryland Mentor Corps

The Maryland Mentor Corps provides a high quality mentoring program that enriches learning opportunities for college students, elementary school students, and the local community.

Learn More

Please tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address this goal locally or globally:

Infographic about sustainable development goal 4