Measuring Progress
The Office of Sustainability partners with the SustainableUMD network of students, staff and faculty to collect and visualize sustainability-related quantitative data. The data dashboards in "Measuring Progress" help tell UMD’s story of sustainability-related progress and outline areas for improvement. Data is organized using a framework of six key goals: plans and programs for each key goal establish strategies and targets to track for progress monitoring. The framework does not directly include academic research, however related research stories are sometimes included at the bottom of each individual key goal page.
The Tableau dashboard below provides an overview summary of Key Performance Indicators for each key goal. Hover over the dashboard for interactive tooltips containing more information about the goals and their history. The buttons "Explore the Data" link to the interactive data dashboards for each goal (these data dashboards are not yet optimized for use on mobile devices and are best viewed on computer screens). Alternatively, use the left-side menu to explore UMD's data dashboards. Take a deep dive into SustainableUMD's data and explore the possibilities for creative collaboration toward sustainability-related progress.
Questions or feedback? Contact the Office of Sustainability Measurement & Assessment team at