Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
See more information about this goal from the United Nations
Alert — Your Input is Needed:
Many programs at UMD have begun incorporating questions, conversations and linkages to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. "Partnering for the Goals" invites you to help our SustainableUMD network explore opportunities to better share information across UMD divisions, departments, and disciplines in order to advance the University's meaningful involvement in this global initiative.
If you want to learn more about how universities are collectively thinking about their role in the SDGs, click the black button link below.
This resource is under development and we want your help to fill it out! Use the webform below the examples to tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address the SDG locally or globally. The examples on this page are just a broad starting place to help compile meaningful involvement at UMD so that the Office of Sustainability can work with interested stakeholders to explore potential next steps.

UMD Stormwater Management
Stormwater management, permitting, and pollution control is a major priority for the University of Maryland. The College Park campus is centrally located within the Anacostia Watershed and discharges stormwater to 3 tributaries. Stormwater is significantly regulated within Maryland to protect water quality.

Maryland Water Resources Research Center
The Maryland Water Resources Research Center (MWRRC) is established as part of the Federal Water Resources Research Act, reauthorized in 2006. The objective of the Act is to support water resources research, education, and information dissemination.

Engineers Without Borders
Engineers Without Borders builds a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs. Our volunteers work with communities to find appropriate solutions for their infrastructure needs.

UMD Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The department provides an educational program of basic and specialized engineering knowledge necessary for its graduates to be proficient in recognized specialties of civil engineering. This preparation provides graduates with the tools needed for successful practice in the period following graduation. In addition to general and technical education, the educational program stresses professional and ethical responsibilities, an awareness of societal issues, and the need for life-long learning.

Watershed Protection and Restoration Program
Improving water quality through stormwater management and watershed restoration techniques, the Sea Grant Watershed Protection and Restoration Program works with governments, watershed organizations, and community groups in Maryland to build partnerships, identify funding sources, and advise/assist in the planning, implementation and monitoring of restoration projects. The Sea Grant Extension Watershed Protection and Restoration Program is a member of the Watershed Assistance Collaborative with Maryland Sea Grant, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Environmental Finance Center.
Please tell us about other departments, programs, projects, etc. at UMD that address this goal locally or globally: